The College of Rehabilitation Sciences molds physical and occupational therapists who are competent in the fields of medicine, education, administration, community service, and research.

True to the Licean vision on total human formation, the college of rehabilitation sciences envisions as a leading academic institution of the country in forming globally competent and innovative professionals with exceptional uprightness for societal transformation.
The College of Rehabilitation Sciences is dedicated to deliver quality learning as demonstrated through exemplary instructions, research, and service for societal transformation.

The Rehabilitation Sciences Program at Liceo de Cagayan University aims to produce physical therapists and occupational therapists that are competent to fulfill professional responsibilities in the following areas:
patient/client care in the various settings for different populations;
education for patients/clients and physical therapy and occupational therapy students in professional courses;
administration and management of physical therapy and occupational therapy institutions and facilities;
lifelong learning for personal and career development, health promotion;
advocacy for the advancement of the profession;
community service and development; and
To achieve all these, the students must possess the following:
skills to integrate the physical therapy profession as a vital component of the health care system;
knowledge and skills needed in the examination, evaluation, and planning of effective physical therapy interventions;
clinical skills in decision-making process;
professional and ethical skills to ensure the well-being of patients;
compassion and dedication in rendering service to persons who are physically challenged;
habits that will foster lifelong personal and professional growth;
leadership skills in programs for physical therapy education, clinical practice, and experience; and
desire to involve in community-based programs.